ActBlue Customer Service Issues
Archive 4
The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about ActBlue customer service, archive #4. It includes a selection of 3 issue(s) reported May 28, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently noticed unexpected charges on my account on May 26 and 27, as payments were being repeatedly requested and billed as recurring without my consent. I would like to contribute donations at my own discretion. I hope for assistance in resolving this issue.
Additionally, I had to update the last four digits of my Capital One credit card due to suspected fraudulent activity with a company I transacted with online. After providing my new card information, it was not accepted. Kindly reconsider accepting my updated card details for all future transactions. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8394699 on Ahad, 28 Mei 2023 pukul 20.17
On June 4th, [redacted], I mistakenly selected $1,[redacted] instead of $10 for my donation. I would appreciate it if you could adjust the donation amount to $10 as intended.
This error occurred after I entered my credit card details, and unfortunately, there was no option to correct it. I suggest adding an additional screen to confirm the donation amount to prevent similar mistakes in the future, which I believe others might also face.
I regularly donate to Act Blue and would like to avoid having to cease future donations due to this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-judykacz on Selasa, 6 Jun 2023 pukul 16.09
Hello ActBlue, this is LaWanda Kuziniski. I have a case number #[redacted] with you. The issue I am facing is that it seems someone from within your organization has hacked the ActBlue website. When I used your website last summer and fall, I could donate and tip easily. However, now it seems to require all my information, even credit card numbers. Due to this issue, I am unable to make a contribution to Joe and Jill Biden as there is no option to contribute or tip. The hyperlink provided just redirects to a loop. I have tried several other ActBlue websites, and the same problem persists.
Reported by GetHuman-firstwom on Khamis, 22 Jun 2023 pukul 17.56
Help me with my ActBlue issue