White House Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about White House customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported April 30, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Why hasn't Puerto Rico restored its electricity yet? The lack of power is causing immense hardship, preventing people from cooking, storing food, and feeling safe. A positive step like a phone call from President Trump or the release of allocated aid money could greatly improve Puerto Rico's situation post-Hurricane Maria. It appears there is a troubling stance toward the residents of PR. The oversight of distributing aid is a critical responsibility our government must uphold. Holding back aid is cruel, especially when no financial benefit exists for the President's family or associates. This situation is disheartening in our nation. The people of Puerto Rico are in need of our support, and at this time, they have been let down by our government.
Reported by GetHuman643424 on Monday, April 30, 2018 8:35 PM
I am seeking to reach out to President Trump for the potential pardoning of my nephew, who I believe has received an unfair sentence in Florida. I am eager to provide relevant documentation to support my plea, but I require an email address to send these materials. Your assistance in facilitating this communication and potentially reviewing these documents would be greatly appreciated. It is my belief that my nephew's sentence is disproportionate, and after exhausting all avenues for appeal, I am hopeful that with a fresh review of the case, a different outcome can be achieved. Addressing cases like this could alleviate overcrowding in correctional facilities and ensure justice for all. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Reported by GetHuman787299 on Friday, June 15, 2018 2:36 PM
Subject: Urgent Plea for Legal Review and Pardon Dear President, I am writing to bring to your attention the case of Tate Dixon, a young man currently in Mayes County Jail. Tate has been unjustly convicted due to a series of unfortunate events that were gravely misunderstood. Despite the judge's acknowledgment of Tate's character, the current laws do not offer a fitting punishment for his situation. The broad labeling of individuals as "sex offenders" under such circumstances is a serious issue that requires review and modification. Tate's truthful intentions were misconstrued, and he ended up confessing to crimes he did not commit out of emotional distress and to protect his then-girlfriend. The legal system's failure to differentiate between various offenses has resulted in a severe miscarriage of justice for Tate and others like him. I urge you to consider this case for a pardon, as Tate's story highlights the urgent need for a more nuanced approach to defining and addressing sex offenses. Your willingness to review cases of legal misrepresentation and offer pardons can make a significant impact on individuals like Tate who have been unjustly caught in the system. Sincerely, Dona M. [redacted] Whitman Road Williamstown, MA [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-cndmalin on Tuesday, June 26, 2018 5:28 PM
I am seeking assistance in Ukiah, CA. I am facing challenges with my financial accounts. My child, who was in the care of C.P.S since [redacted] and had my parental rights terminated in [redacted], has been missing since 04/22/[redacted]. Despite making reports, my son Gabriel has not been found. I have funds from the state for saving a C.H.P. officer and receiving victim restitution in the early 2000s. These funds, totaling 3 trillion dollars, were abandoned and later recovered by me in [redacted]. Unfortunately, I have faced multiple dangerous situations related to this money, including robbery, assault, and kidnapping, leaving me unable to access my funds as someone is impersonating me. Tragically, I was assaulted outside my residence on 4/22/[redacted] and my portfolio was stolen. I have been in and out of a psychiatric ward in the Shasta area but currently reside at [redacted] North Oak Street, Apt A, in Ukiah, California. Gabriel is still missing, I lack transportation and medical assistance, and I am in distress. I am hopeful for assistance from the President.
Reported by GetHuman-trentjam on Thursday, July 5, 2018 9:32 PM
My fiance and son are in Ghana, both U.S. citizens. My fiance has been a naturalized citizen in the U.S. for over 20 years. I am struggling to get the U.S. embassy to assist us. They have been disrespectful, calling my fiance names, and seem uninterested in the fact that he and our son are in danger. They are being held by a group of individuals who want my fiance to do illegal activities. Whenever they try to leave, false charges are filed against him. Recently, they were close to boarding a plane when one of these individuals intervened. I believe these individuals are scammers and thieves who use threats and blackmail to control their victims. I urgently need assistance to bring my fiance and son back home. The situation is dire, and I hope someone can take my plea seriously and help us.
Reported by GetHuman-pjmccann on Monday, July 16, 2018 11:03 AM
Finally reporting as ordered, sir. I am Rodney Satoru Iwamoto, a third-generation Asian American with no combat experience, seeking vetting under the Whistleblowers Act. There seems to be suspicious political activity in my current position that I find unsettling. I kindly request an independent and impartial observer to assess the situation at their convenience. I have limited expertise in this area; I'm a senior citizen aged 74, living below the poverty line, and seeking redemption for missing out on combat in Vietnam. President Trump's recent actions have shocked and awed me, but I remain patient and eagerly await further instructions. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman-rodneyiw on Monday, July 30, 2018 6:04 PM
My partner and I, both in our fifties with an eight-year-old child, are currently residing in Pennsylvania. While attempting to purchase our first home, we've encountered an issue with Capital One refusing to rectify a negative mark despite our good standing with them. Despite sending numerous emails and goodwill letters, this single obstacle is preventing us from realizing our dream of homeownership. As diligent American citizens with no debts, we unfortunately lack the $60,[redacted] required for the purchase as it's not sitting idly in a bank account. It's disheartening to witness the USDA and FHA providing housing assistance to foreign individuals while seemingly discriminating against American citizens. We kindly seek assistance in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-mysticha on Thursday, August 9, 2018 9:25 PM
I voted for Ronald Reagan in my first presidential election and have always been a proud supporter of the Republican Party. I've actively campaigned for candidates like George W. Bush and Donald Trump. However, if President Trump continues to push for Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, I will no longer support the Republican Party. I will dedicate my time and money to opposing all Republicans, including you, Mr. Trump. Women in America should not be underestimated. It's not just the "year of the woman"; this movement is gaining momentum and won't fade away. Confirming Kavanaugh will lead to your defeat in [redacted]. As a survivor of a violent and humiliating assault, Kavanaugh’s nomination has triggered painful memories. I urge you to remove Kavanaugh to help me and others heal.
Reported by GetHuman-wbaumann on Thursday, September 27, 2018 2:40 AM
To Whom It May Concern: I am a 54-year-old mother of two grown children, a grandmother, and daughter. Besides these achievements, I am a two-time National Board Certified Teacher with 25 years of experience. Currently navigating a divorce, separated for two years. I believe I am a target of "Gang Stalking," a form of community harassment and potentially against the law. Despite seeking help from the police and the FBI, the situation persists. This stalking includes mental, psychological, and physical harassment, akin to terrorism in the US. I urge you to research this issue before dismissing my concerns. It is widespread in the US and increasingly so in Oklahoma. I suspect it may be related to my husband's affair, an attempt to discredit me. I consulted a psychiatrist recently to refute any claims of being "crazy." The impact of this stalking led me to isolate myself, even giving up teaching, something I cherish. Now, it has extended to workplace harassment. While I can provide more details if needed, I hope this summary sheds light on my distress. Feel free to reach out for further information or resources.
Reported by GetHuman1377701 on Friday, October 19, 2018 8:08 PM
I am currently in Limestone County Jail in Athens, awaiting court dates for work release and community corrections. I am seeking help with anger management, life coaching, relationship counseling, parenting classes, and a substance abuse program. I am committed to reporting and paying on time. Any harassment or unlawful behavior will not be tolerated. Trusting in God and striving to do better. I am considering spending two months at each of my children's houses to improve our relationships. Located in Tennessee. Contact me through Jennifer Hall at [redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1581106 on Sunday, November 18, 2018 9:09 AM
Since I was young, I have faced many challenges. I grew up in foster care without ever being adopted. Despite my difficult past, I was pursuing a career in law enforcement and even dream of running for president one day. Currently, I am homeless and seeking support at a shelter in Cincinnati, Ohio. I long for a loving family, as I have never had one to celebrate birthdays or holidays with. I struggle with my autism and disabilities, relying on social security. If anyone can assist me in finding a family or offering support, please reach out to me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman1811911 on Saturday, December 22, 2018 7:49 AM
Suggestions for President Trump during the government shutdown: 1. Make any remaining federal judicial interim appointments. They won't have to be confirmed until Mitch wants to, possibly up to two years. 2. Suggest to your interim Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor. Since Mueller wasn't confirmed, this special prosecutor can investigate Mueller, his investigators, Democratic committee chairs for campaign fund violations, and those involved in the hush fund for inappropriate sexual allegations. 3. First choice for special prosecutor: Mark Levin; Second choice: Joe Di Genova. 4. Lastly, start immediately building the wall as originally envisioned, using funds from the military. Bruce Kearns
Reported by GetHuman1855903 on Saturday, December 29, 2018 2:56 PM
A suggestion to address the issue of illegal immigration by implementing a new immigration law that requires individuals to provide various documents like police records, passports, birth certificates, and academic records from schools they attended. Applicants must also submit police reports from every state where they have lived, proof of employment, and pay $[redacted].00 to start the application process. After three months, they may receive a one-year work permit. Those entering the country illegally would face a monthly fee of $[redacted].00 for a year. Additionally, they need to obtain their own medical insurance, with only children born in the U.S. eligible for free medical coverage. For illegal immigrant children, there would be a partial payment option for Medicaid. Once the illegal family becomes legal, they must pay $[redacted].00 per month for two years as restitution for entering illegally. Eligible applicants must have been in the country for at least two years. These rules would apply for the current year only.
Reported by GetHuman1979317 on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 10:10 PM
My name is Crystal O. from Oconee County, South Carolina. I relocated to Covelo, California, six years ago with my partner and three children. Recently, my two daughters were taken by CPS. My eldest, 19, remains with me. Despite his capability to care for his sisters, CPS placed the girls in separate foster homes, denying family placement. I requested they remain together to ease their distress. Aged 6 and 14, they've never been away from family. Family handles childcare needs. CPS allegedly misled us, taking my daughter from school and moved her 2 hours away, putting my youngest with foster care instead of her grandfather. Despite passing assessments, CPS didn’t honor placing my daughters together with a family member. They restricted contact between my girls, causing emotional pain to them and the family. I feel helpless against CPS’s actions. I'm willing to offer funds to support reuniting my family.
Reported by GetHuman2634929 on Friday, March 29, 2019 7:11 PM
I recently read about a bill proposed by Kamala Harris to allow undocumented individuals to work in Congress. I am concerned about the idea of granting such privileges to those who enter our country illegally. It is disheartening to see lawmakers invest time and money in such propositions when there are pressing issues to address. When will there be a stand against these actions and a demand for respect of our laws and constitution? It is important for politicians to prioritize the well-being of hardworking taxpayers and uphold the values of our nation. There is a growing frustration among law-abiding citizens who contribute to society and witness what feels like an attack on American principles. Change is needed to preserve the integrity of our country and the efforts of its citizens.
Reported by GetHuman1876076 on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 6:41 PM
I am claiming my rights to Cest Que Vie, My Sovereign Kingdom of Heaven, and ownership of all my gold, lands, tenements. You may know me as Sandra Gwen Musgrove also known as Sandra Musgrove, Munster, Lubben, Hester. I am the author of "Clearing My Heavenly Father's Name," "Namesake Confession," and other works. With over [redacted] videos created in the past three years, serving as my witnesses and proofs, along with my autobiography, I am the sole beneficiary of the profits made by all of you conspirators from my six children and me. I have staked my claim, overcome trials like Jacob, as evidenced in the scriptures and Black's Law Dictionary. I demand that the shadow government and Corporation return the Quazillions owed to the true Government and Kingdom. Judgement Day has arrived, and I insist on the return of my daughter taken unjustly by the state of KY, holding you accountable for your crimes. My determination and faith are unwavering, and I fear none of you. Justice will be served for the harm caused by your treacherous actions. I command the restitution I rightfully deserve, backed by irrefutable evidence and the strength from a higher power.
Reported by GetHuman-smusgro on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 5:34 PM
I would like to discuss why we are so caught up with color and race in [redacted]. We should be focusing on all people on Earth. We are not in the 1800s anymore where we are unaware of what everyone looks like. It is unnecessary to worry about where we are from. Many people from various places contribute to the United States, and we must address how the United States is perceived globally. We should work towards improvement by having knowledgeable individuals lead the way. We need to halt everything and declare bankruptcy for three months, pausing all outgoing bills for everyone so each state can work on fixing issues. We must change our mindset, utilize people from different parts of the world, and combat drug problems seriously. We need to stop discriminating based on color, race, or birthplace and unite as one world. Love and care for each other are essential, and we must reset to make [redacted] more meaningful.
Reported by GetHuman2793694 on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 6:52 AM
Please, Mr. President, reconsider the trade relationship with China. I am a farmer with equipment dealerships in Northeast Missouri. We rely on their trade for soybeans, pork, and corn. The current situation is causing financial strain on American farmers like myself. I am willing to discuss this matter further in Washington if necessary. We appreciate having someone from outside Washington in office and believe in your ability to support the American farmer. Thank you for your attention. - Mike Meyer, Bowling Green, MO, [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman3221337 on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 9:09 PM
I am a bestselling author from Switzerland and New Zealand, known for tackling the taboo subject of child abuse in my works. My first bestselling book, "I Couldn't Cry When Daddy Died," led me to an invitation on Oprah Winfrey's show when I was 40 and living in New Zealand. Unfortunately, due to commitments with a Swiss publisher who released my book in Europe, I had to decline Oprah's invitation, and she mentioned she would "shelve me." Now, at 83, I am a trauma therapist trained by Dr. Peter Levine, giving lectures across Europe on the long-term effects of childhood trauma. I am eager to reconnect with Oprah, as I believe her platform could help further spread awareness on this important issue. You can reach me at [redacted] Living between Berlin and Basel, my husband and I were graciously gifted a house by a kind multi-millionaire who admires my work and resilience. I hope to fulfill my wish to appear on Oprah's show before my time is up. Thank you for any assistance in making this connection. Wishing you a happy life, Iris Galey
Reported by GetHuman-irisgale on Monday, August 19, 2019 10:21 AM
Dear Mr. President and White House Staff, I am Raul Acosta, a Latin music touring artist for the past 25 years. I was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in New Jersey. Our country is in need of your assistance. There are efforts by local, national, and international groups to remove the Bible from the Dominican Flag. This action goes against our history and values. With a population of 12 million on the island and nearly 3 million in the USA, we seek your support in preserving the Bible's place on our revered Dominican Flag. Sincerely, R.A. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-raulacos on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 4:06 AM

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