The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Ubisoft customer service, archive #23. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 25, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My email has been hacked. While my Ubisoft account remains untouched so far, the email associated with it has been changed, along with the recovery email. This account was not my primary one initially, but now I wish to switch to PC and reclaim it. I can access it through my PSN credentials, which have been there since its creation. The compromised email address was "[redacted]" I would like to update it to an email address that belongs to me. I believe my phone number is still linked to the account, as well as my PlayStation account, as previously mentioned.
Reported by GetHuman-reeceph on रविवार, २५ जून २०२३, सुबह ४:४४ बजे
Ich habe immer noch Probleme damit, meinem Charakter eine neue Auszeichnung anzulegen. Wenn ich auf den Bekleidungsreiter gehe, kann ich keine Bekleidung, Sets oder Auszeichnungen ändern, da die Richtungspfeile auf meinem PS4-Controller nicht reagieren. Dadurch kann ich meine Stufe-4-Figur nicht mehr äußerlich verändern, obwohl ich alle Pässe besitze. Ich frage mich, ob meine Daten gelöscht werden, wenn ich "Division" deinstalliere und neu starte. Ich bin auf Stufe [redacted] und möchte nicht riskieren, meine Spielfortschritte zu verlieren. Natürlich würde ich das Spiel ungern von vorne beginnen.
Reported by GetHuman-schokola on सोमवार, २६ जून २०२३, सुबह ६:४७ बजे
During a ranked game, my Wi-Fi connection was disrupted by a thunderstorm at home, an issue I experience from time to time. Unfortunately, this disconnection led to multiple incidents where I was banned for 24 hours. I believe it is unfair for my gameplay to be affected this way due to circumstances beyond my control. I kindly request that the ban be lifted, as I genuinely enjoy playing the game I purchased from your platform. Thank you for your understanding.
Reported by GetHuman-billynis on सोमवार, २६ जून २०२३, रात १०:५७ बजे
Hello, could you please reactivate my accounts? I already have 3 or 4 accounts with Ubi, and I have to create a new one every time. Regardless of which account I use, I keep encountering too many login attempts, resulting in the account being locked. Even when I create a new account, it gets locked right away. How is this possible? The account wasn't even successfully logged in. This situation prevents me from playing multiplayer in Anno. This is a disaster.
Reported by GetHuman-ranzda on शुक्रवार, ३० जून २०२३, दोपहर १२:०२ बजे
I was trying to log into my Ubisoft account to activate cross-progression on Xbox. Unfortunately, the email with the account details was deleted. I attempted to link my Xbox account to another Ubisoft account, but nothing transferred. Now, I can't access my main Ubisoft account at all, and cross-progression isn't working. I can provide proof of ownership through Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox. Hoping for assistance!
Reported by GetHuman8487055 on शुक्रवार, ७ जुलाई २०२३, रात ९:२१ बजे
I bought Lonely Island Scream 5 on Steam and created a new Uplay account to play. Unfortunately, I've been having trouble logging into Uplay since then. I think I might have entered the wrong email during registration. I created a new Uplay account with the correct email, and everything seemed fine, but I can't activate Lonely Island Souls on this new account. It keeps showing "Unable to verify product owner." The first account I made was under the name libubuwuwuwu, and the second one with the correct email is under the name libubuwuwu.
Reported by GetHuman8494890 on मंगलवार, ११ जुलाई २०२३, दोपहर २:४४ बजे
I received a 24-hour ban unfairly due to some players targeting me. In the third round of the game, I used a grenade defensively after being shot at, unintentionally causing harm. Despite this, I was banned for accidental team killing. In another instance, I was instructed to shoot at a location but was led into harming my own team. I am seeking assistance with this issue in Rainbow Six Siege.
Match IDs:
1. Round 1: 409f1f5a-[redacted]-4dc5-[redacted]-a890fa361ae4
2. Round 2: a8f16615-bb07-4b74-a97c-a82d7e61085d
Reported by GetHuman8508332 on सोमवार, १७ जुलाई २०२३, शाम ५:०९ बजे
I was banned for 24 hours due to a series of incidents in the game that seemed to target me unjustly. During the third round, while trying to defend myself with a grenade, I accidentally caused harm to others, leading to my ban. In the first round, I mistakenly killed someone and in the second round, I acted as if I suspected a group of players were against me. The situation escalated when they directed me to fire in a specific area, and they ended up running into the fire. The Match ID for the first round is a8f16615-bb07-4b74-a97c-a82d7e61085d, and for the second round, it's 409f1f5a-[redacted]-4dc5-[redacted]-a890fa361ae4. I seek assistance in resolving this issue on Rainbow Six Siege.
Reported by GetHuman8508332 on सोमवार, १७ जुलाई २०२३, शाम ५:२३ बजे
Character Name: Ziordice4
Email: [redacted]
I'm encountering an issue while trying to play Ubisoft's The Settlers Online on PC. Whenever I click "play," I receive an error message stating, "A general error has occurred. Please refresh the page and try again." Furthermore, when I attempt to submit a ticket to Ubisoft for assistance, I encounter an error indicating that the Captcha is incorrect. I have tried accessing the game on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers, but the problem persists. I logged in earlier today without any issues, but when I attempted to log back in, this problem began. I appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-debozina on बुधवार, १९ जुलाई २०२३, सुबह ५:३२ बजे
I need help with my Ubisoft account. I used to play on PlayStation, but now I'm on Xbox. I forgot my email until I connected it to my PlayStation today. When I try to change the email, it asks to send a confirmation email to my old school account which I cannot access anymore. I want to get my old account back on my Xbox.
Reported by GetHuman-camrynwh on गुरूवार, २० जुलाई २०२३, रात ९:०६ बजे
I have been enjoying playing my Ubisoft games through NVIDIA GeForce NOW without any issues until recently. Previously, I would open GeForce NOW, log into my Ubisoft Connect account, and start the games through Steam seamlessly. However, now I am encountering a problem where my games won't launch properly. When I attempt to start them through Steam, it automatically uses an old Ubisoft account that is not linked to GeForce NOW, and I am unable to switch to the correct account. Alternatively, when I try to launch the games directly through Ubisoft Connect, they fail to start altogether. This issue is specific to Ubisoft games and only occurs on GeForce NOW, as my PC cannot support these games.
Reported by GetHuman-thommyle on शुक्रवार, २१ जुलाई २०२३, शाम ५:५२ बजे
I encountered a connection error that resulted in me losing two reputations and facing multiple bans due to the server's poor quality. Despite having a good internet connection, I keep getting penalized when the game fails. The game acknowledges connection errors with pop-ups, so it's frustrating to be unable to play due to these issues. It's disappointing to witness the decline in players every month, and I feel unfairly penalized as a dedicated player. The game's inability to maintain a good gaming experience across all platforms, as advertised by Ubisoft, is disheartening. I hope they address these issues promptly so that I can enjoy playing the game without constant disruptions. It seems like a lot to ask for from Ubisoft, but I remain hopeful for improvements.
Reported by GetHuman8522308 on सोमवार, २४ जुलाई २०२३, सुबह ९:११ बजे
I have an old Rainbow Six Siege account linked to a PC Activation Key. I am looking to either transfer all the games to my current Ubisoft account, which Ubisoft is unwilling to do, or to delete the old account. I am curious if I can still access the game through Steam with my current account if I delete the original one. Another option is to contact Steam to change the key, although I prefer transferring the games without the need to repeatedly provide proof of purchase to Ubisoft. Their current process involves a never-ending loop of verification, even for games without proof of purchase.
Reported by GetHuman-nikkocon on सोमवार, २४ जुलाई २०२३, दोपहर ११:५५ बजे
I am having trouble accessing the email connected to my Ubisoft account. The email linked to my account was never valid since I had entered it incorrectly and also forgotten the password. Unfortunately, I lost access to my account after mistakenly unlinking my Rainbow Six Siege account from my PlayStation while attempting to enable cross-save. The email associated with my Rainbow account was [redacted] and it was connected to a PlayStation account under the usernames TonyMontana1019 or Lilwicked2007.
Reported by GetHuman8523718 on सोमवार, २४ जुलाई २०२३, रात ९:२३ बजे
I recently reinstalled the Apex mobile game after it was closed. Currently in China, I am unable to connect to the server directly to play, so I resorted to using an accelerator which got blocked. I am puzzled by this and seek assistance in unblocking the accelerator. I also would appreciate any guidelines to prevent future blocking by the system when using an accelerator. Thank you for your help. My EAid is gzlqueen.
Reported by GetHuman8526584 on बुधवार, २६ जुलाई २०२३, दोपहर १०:२५ बजे
I was trying to log into my Ubisoft account, and after entering my password correctly (which I had written down), it kept saying it was wrong. Later it displayed a message that Ubisoft was offline, even though my Wi-Fi was working fine. After another attempt with the same password, it then informed me that my account had been suspended. Please assist me in resolving this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-ccassian on बुधवार, २ अगस्त २०२३, दोपहर ११:३७ बजे
I have been unable to log into my account for an extended period, and I am eager to play Rainbow Six Siege. I have invested a significant amount, approximately 5k to 10k, into my Steam account, which holds great value for me. Unfortunately, I am currently locked out of my account. I seek assistance in promptly regaining access. The email associated with my login is [redacted] I've implemented 2-step verification, linked to my Indian mobile number: +[redacted]26. My in-game alias is DARTHVADER_456, with my primary username as KILLER[redacted]. Furthermore, my Twitch account is connected to my Ubisoft account. My Twitch username is aadityao18800. I have also included a file with the purchase details of the game on Steam for your reference. Please investigate the matter and help me recover my account efficiently.
Reported by GetHuman8549807 on सोमवार, ७ अगस्त २०२३, दोपहर १२:५१ बजे
I am having trouble accessing my Ubisoft account to play Rainbow 6 with friends. The two-step verification process using Google Authenticator is not working properly. Despite entering the correct 6-digit code multiple times, it keeps stating it's incorrect. I am frustrated as I cannot contact support without logging in, which is the main issue. My account username is MrZestyFilms, and the associated email is [redacted] I have passwords and screenshots to verify my identity. I simply want to disable the two-step verification to access my account smoothly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-alekswi on सोमवार, ७ अगस्त २०२३, रात ८:१३ बजे
I haven't logged into my Ubisoft account in a while, but I recently tried to change my username to DapperDanny97. When I tried to do this on the website, I found out my account was locked because of multiple failed login attempts. I changed my password, logged out, and then tried to log back in with the new details, only to find my account was suspended. I'm looking to get some clarity on what's going on.
Reported by GetHuman-ftlxcam on बुधवार, १६ अगस्त २०२३, रात ९:०४ बजे
I've been experiencing a significant amount of latency, jitter, and packet loss while playing Rainbow Six Siege on my Xbox Series S. Despite having a stable Wi-Fi connection with 0% packet loss and a latency of 68, I still encounter frequent lag spikes for unknown reasons. Interestingly, my friend, who shares the same Wi-Fi network, doesn't face these issues when we play together. I've attempted to resolve the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling the game, but unfortunately, the issue persists.
Reported by GetHuman8575034 on रविवार, २० अगस्त २०२३, रात ८:२५ बजे