GameFly Customer Service Issues
Archive 1
The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about GameFly customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 3 issue(s) reported June 24, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have noticed that while I had initially planned to cancel my membership due to reaching the end of my game queue, I opted to continue it on June 15th as there were new titles available. However, as of today, June 23rd, I have yet to receive any new games despite new ones being accessible. The delay in receiving games is concerning me as my subscription month is passing by without me being able to enjoy any new titles. I value the service you provide, but this prolonged wait is disappointing. I hope to receive my games soon and maximize the time I have left in the month to enjoy them.
Reported by GetHuman-chilliop on रविवार, २४ जून २०१८, रात १:२८ बजे
I've had "Red Dead Redemption 2" in my queue for a while, making sure it was at the top and removing any other games around its release. I missed one, and "Call of Cthulhu" was sent instead. I'm wondering if it's possible to send "Red Dead Redemption 2" today. I can return "Call of Cthulhu" as soon as I receive it or send back one of the two games I currently have. The copies of "Red Dead 2" will be gone by the time you receive a game back. I've been a GameFly member since the beginning and it's my first time requesting this, as "Red Dead Redemption 2" is a big title that may take a while to become available again if not sent on release day.
Reported by GetHuman1445535 on मंगलवार, ३० अक्टूबर २०१८, दोपहर १०:४१ बजे
I am attempting to sign up for GameFly, but the website indicates that I already have an account with my address listed. I did not create this account and suspect someone used GameFly without my permission. The website also mentions I have a game out that I do not possess. I simply want to join GameFly to get games to play; I do not wish to be charged for someone else's usage. I require assistance in creating a GameFly account without the system stating I already have one. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman4104572 on सोमवार, १६ दिसम्बर २०१९, दोपहर ४:०७ बजे
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