Rockwell Automation, Inc. Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Rockwell Automation, Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Rockwell Automation, Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is Rockwell Automation's commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility?

Rockwell Automation is deeply committed to sustainability and corporate responsibility. As a global leader in industrial automation,...
Ask any question you have about Rockwell Automation, Inc. customer service, get an answer now.


What industries does Rockwell Automation serve?

Rockwell Automation serves a diverse range of industries across the globe. Our cutting-edge automation solutions cater to the needs...


Where are Rockwell Automation's headquarters located?

Rockwell Automation's headquarters are located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. Milwaukee serves as the company's global headquarters...

Does Rockwell Automation have any international offices or subsidiaries?

Yes, Rockwell Automation has a strong global presence with multiple international offices and subsidiaries. As a leading provider of...


What does Rockwell Automation specialize in?

Rockwell Automation specializes in providing industrial automation and information solutions to enhance the productivity and efficiency...


What products does Rockwell Automation offer?

Rockwell Automation offers a comprehensive range of industrial automation products and solutions. Their portfolio includes programmable...

Custom Solutions

Can Rockwell Automation provide custom solutions for my business?

Yes, Rockwell Automation specializes in providing customized solutions for businesses. With our team of experienced engineers and industry...

Training Programs

Does Rockwell Automation offer training programs for their products?

Yes, Rockwell Automation offers an extensive range of training programs for their products. They understand the importance of knowledge...

Warranty Policy

What is the warranty policy for Rockwell Automation products?

Rockwell Automation products are backed by a comprehensive warranty policy. The duration and coverage of the warranty may vary depending...

Technical Support

Does Rockwell Automation offer technical support for their products?

Yes, Rockwell Automation offers technical support for their products. As a leading provider of industrial automation solutions, they...

Product Demonstration

Can I request a product demonstration from Rockwell Automation?

Yes, you can request a product demonstration from Rockwell Automation. We understand the importance of experiencing our products firsthand...


What is Rockwell Automation's commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility?

Rockwell Automation is deeply committed to sustainability and corporate responsibility. As a global leader in industrial automation,...

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